On awareness…

Anh Hoang
2 min readMar 15, 2021

I stumbled upon a quote recently that says “Thinking is the opposite of Awareness,” which got me to think, should we think or should we be aware?

We are trained to think since childhood, to reflect on what we have done and what might be the consequences of our actions. We are taught in school to think through problems, to gain logical mindset, and learn problem solving skill through more strategic thinking. At work, we are valued for our thought leadership and ability to think and work with complexity. Thinking is essential to our every day…

Yet, thinking is about the past and the future, not the present. Thinking - a beautiful process of the mind - when viewed in a certain way, means inaction.

Awareness, on the contrary, is about the Present. It is the knowing of what we see, of what we feel, and of our emotion right now. Being aware is to acknowledge the world around us in our senses: see, hear, touch, smell, taste. Being aware is to be present with our every breath and every sensation.

The emphasis on Thinking, given our modern work and life, is one of a reasons that make us forget Awareness. We strive for financial stability and job promotion, meanwhile forgetting to check in on how we truly feel about where we are or the job we currently have. We overthinking how others will view us, while forgetting how we feel about ourselves.

Since Covid19 started, I have added meditation to my daily routine, and everyday, I was challenged to just be aware and to notice when thinking starts. I don’t think we can ever stop thinking, nor should we, especially since thinking is beneficial and critical for our well-being. However, an effort to balance Thinking and Awareness would surely bring us closer to reality and improve our physical and mental health.

So, to Awareness, in celebration of my 1 year WFH, I will be more aware of you…

14 March 2021

